Hi! I am John and for me it all started at 12, when I picked up my father’s old film camera and joined a youth photography club. An energetic middle-aged woman taught there. She spent more time chatting on the phone than teaching, but she explained to us what we needed to know and let us use as much photo chemicals and paper as we wanted.
The digital era began a few years later and my darkroom skills became obsolete. I bought my first digital camera and plunged into Photoshop. My darkroom skills became irrelevant, but not the knowledge of photography and camera proficiency. These remained as essential as ever, and even more so with digital cameras which can make the false impression they can do the thinking for us. They can’t.
Photography is as much a craft as it is an art. Both the craft and the art have fascinated me from the beginning, and I’ve been learning them ever since. As a professional photographer my task is to bring the two together.
I have worked in a variety of genres throughout my career, but it happens so that I photograph people, architecture and landscapes more than anything else. I am captivated by the mystery of the human person and the beauty of the human face. No amount of naturalistic explanation can numb the sense of wonder as I think about human nature and our relationships with each other and with the world.
For me architecture is the pinnacle expression of human creativity. Here arts join sciences producing grand objects of practical and cultural value. We use buildings, but we also contemplate them and are shaped by them. Great architecture can even make vanished civilisations seem living again. Think of Ancient Egypt or Greece. My favourite city is Paris, but I haven’t seen Rome yet.
I am inspired by arts, especially classical music, painting and cinema. I’ve done my fair share of travelling and met some amazing people. I like fast cars, coffee and comfortable shoes. I prefer quality over quantity. I currently live in Sydney and am not planning to move. Welcome to my website!